Celebrations and rituals GilanArous Gale Cer...Aaros Gooleh is a very ancient ceremony performed in the West of Gilan Province. Aaros Gooleh is a play usually performed by three persons called Ghool, Pir Babo, and Naaz Khanom. They play some happy and folkloric stories for the people. The Ghool, giant, is the symbol of darkness an...InformationBarat Gouni...Informationcustom of Yald......InformationHunting stone...Informationjh...Informationkj...Informationkj...InformationkjReading New Year or Spring recital or the kind of singing that has prevailed in the past . At present the origin of this species singing in Mazandaran and Gilan provinces that will be very limited . After the arrival of Islam and the Shiite religious concepts and narratives song of th...Informationlk...Informationlk...InformationNorozbel...Informationploughing ...InformationPomegranate Ha......InformationRamadan ritual...InformationRang Amizi (pa......InformationRituals...Informationstrawberry Har......InformationTaleshi folk m......InformationVarjeni Koulam...Information