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Malekan County (Persian: شهرستان ملکان‎) is a county in East Azerbaijan Province in Iran. The capital of the county is Malekan. At the 2006 census, the county's population was 100,366, in 24,823 families.
The county is subdivided into two districts: the Central District and Leylan District. The county has two cities: Malekan ...see more and Leylan. The county is known as on of the most productive regions of grape in Iran. Etymology: The word "Malekan" is derived from Malek/Kandi, "The village of the King".
However, there are various theories pertaining to the origin of the name 'Malekan/Kandi' : The first theory tells "because the grounds are owned by "GAJAR" government the city has been named after the founder and the king of the government.
The second theory holds that "because there have been several kings that have come and gone in the past ..." it has been named this way. The third and the last theory is that the name "Malek/Kandi" is derived from the name of a king named "Maleknia". Reference: www.wikipedia.org

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Chaybaghy and mineral water of shurso

Chaybaghy and ...

Salty mineral water( Shur Su) is located in Chai Baghi village and it`s a resort area. The water of this fountain, miraculously, cures many skin disease, rheumatism, knee pain and also, use as a relaxation for mental disease and depression. The especial trait of this fountain is the ...

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Oulen Valley

Oulen Valley


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Bridge of ghale jough

Bridge of ghal...

Pol Dokhtar Ghal-e Jugh is one of the attractions in Ghal-e Jugh village in eastern Azerbaijan province which build on the river at the distance of 5km of Malekan village. The history of this monument dates back to Safavid period. This bridge verges a hill. the people of Malekan a...

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