

Ancient City of Goor also Gour or Gur is located 100km south of shiraz, Fars Province, next to city of Firooz Abad.
This city is believed to be founded during Achaemenid dynasty. It was encircled by Alexander, but because of its robust fortification and dedicated defenders he couldn't be able to surrender the city; then ordered to submerge the city by diverting nearby river to low area of city turn it into a lake.
After some centuries, Ardashir Babakan, the founder of Sassanid dynasty, ordered to dig a channel and discharged the lake, then rebuilt the city as his capital.
During Arabs' invasion, the city again destroyed and after passing about 3 centuries, a new city which is now called Firooz Abad, was built just next to ruins of the original city by Daylamiain Dynasty.
Goor City was in circular shape with diameter of 2km, surrounded by thick fortification and 50m wide ditch. In central area, a zone with 900m diameter divided with another wall, was served as governmental area and most of the excavated remnants of the city belong to this area.


Palace of Ardashir Babakan

Palace of Arda...

The Palace of Ardashir Pāpakan (in Persian: دژ اردشیر پاپکان‎ Dezh-e Ardashir Pāpakān), also known as the Atash-kadeh آتشکده, is a castle located on the slopes of the mountain on which Dezh Dokhtar is situated on. Built in AD 224 by King Ardashir I of the Sassanian Empire, it is locat...

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Ancient City of Goor

Ancient City o...

Ancient City of Goor also Gour or Gur is located 100km south of shiraz, Fars Province, next to city of Firooz Abad. This city is believed to be founded during Achaemenid dynasty. It was encircled by Alexander, but because of its robust fortification and dedicated defenders he couldn'...

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Dokhtar Castle

Dokhtar Castle

At the distance of 6 km of the road between Firoz Abad and shiraz, Girl Castle of Firoz Abad is located in the foothill of a mountain which overlooks at the road. This castle which belongs to the Sassanid era is located at the threshold of Tang Ab valley and in a region that its earth...

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Pirozy Inscription

Pirozy Inscrip...

The first and the greatest projected painting of Iran which belongs to the Sassanid era and names victory painting is located at Firoz Abad township, the surrounding of Firoz Abad river, on the top of a rock stone. This projected painting is narrating Ardeshir's victory over fifth Ard...

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Taj Gozari Ardeshir Inscription

Taj Gozari Ard...

The first projected design of Taq Bostan is designed next to the small arch in years between 379 and 383 AD. This projected design which is called projected design of Ardeshir's coronation is located at the distance of 15 km of Firoz Abad. This is a famous projected design which is th...

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Kharghe Canyon

Kharghe Canyon

At the 24 km of Firoz Abad to Frash Band road, there is a canyon which is called Kharghe. This green and fresh valley of Firoz Abad township with its historical aspects has lush gardens, beautiful floor of forest and many springs besides; it is a place of pilgrimage. Due to the locati...

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Tal Haji Natural Park

Tal Haji Natur...

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