Wetlands Yanyq
Yanyq the beautiful lagoon wetlands
Hashtrud is 35 kilometers southwest of the city and along the asphalt road
Hashtrud -
Maragheh is located.
These wetlands are of two distinct parts to the distance of 1/5 km from each other, made. One of the two Yanyq wetlands as natural reservoirs for irrigation farmers placed, Another area of about one hectare wetland located in a strip Tremendous hills, stretches of 4 hectares.
Height above sea level of one thousand 600 Mtrbvdh Yanyq wetlands, both in its central section of more than 2 meters in depth. Yanyq beaches and wetlands to arable land and grassland basin formation and composition of vegetation in coastal Ghyraztdady willow tree, shrub or tree no longer exists.
The pond of one hectare, is circular and completely covered with straw so that the water within the area of wetland in the loop is taken. Although many hideouts Neyzar suitable for waterfowl, especially when alarmed created.
Yanyq watershed and coastal wetlands vegetation and cultivated grasslands composed of two parts
The steppe and semi-steppe
...see more species, including the types of And part of the grassland vegetation established invader plants or weeds This is due to land use changes and grazing of livestock in the region, is formed.
Yanyq marginal wetlands plants in a variety of sedges, grasses and up Buttercup Who have been capped by seasonal changes in coastal wetland water volume, surface, and in the mud, they are buried.
Like other Hashtrud Yanyq wetland wetlands in freezing winter Come winter surfs.
Yanyq such as wetlands and other Ice Age lasted between four and five months after the melting of the ice, fish and flocks of migratory birds in the two wetlands, attend.
Unfortunately, despite being recognized as one of the four wetlands Yanyq duck breeding habitat in the country whiteheads The laws administered by the Environmental Protection Agency are among the free zones And authorized seasons, hunters used by itself.