Recreational attractions KhvansarSar Cheshmeh N...One the famous tourist and local attraction of the city, it is around 15 square km and is located in the south of the city on Khansar mount’s hillside. Thousands of tourists come here from all over the country during the year in all seasons. Springs like Shotorkhan, and Pir close to s...Information | Map Tulip land and...Fereydunshahr Fritillaria imperialis Champaign: Fritillaria imperialis grows in Poshtkooh (پشتکوه) , Peashkooh (پیشکوه ) and Fereydunshar Cheshmelangan (چشمه لنگان) area in spring season (March and April). It is one of the earliest plants to be cultivated. It grows to about 1 meter (...Information | Map