Goods and crops East AzerbaijanBaslvq and Sjv...Baslvq and Sjvq Maragheh The two types of local sweets Sjvq Vbaslvq the famous Maragheh is a Vam . This area is considered one of the most important souvenirs . Baslyq or Baslvq starch , water, sugar , rose water , nuts , butter and coconut powder is produced . Starch is mixed with...InformationCarpetEast Azerbaijan Province and specially Tabriz has an excellent position in the handicraft industry of Iran, having a large share in the exports of the province. Tabriz carpets are widely known around the world and in international markets for their vibrant designs and colors. Without ...InformationCarpetA Tabriz rug/Carpet is a type in the general category of Iranian carpets from the city of Tabriz, the capital city of East Azarbaijan Province in north west of Iran. It is one of the oldest rug weaving centers and makes a huge diversity of types of carpets. The range starts at Bazaar ...InformationEris ( Ris )Tabriz is notable for its delicious cookies in Iran, some of which are Ghorabiye, Eris and Nogha: That's a special kind of Gaz made mainly in the Azeri regions of Iran....Informationfd...InformationGlass in Tabri...Glass in Tabriz The ceramic coatings were developed in ancient times in Mesopotamia, other countries are taking the glass and glazing compounds it is not surprising that one of the glass industry in Babylon , Sumer and Assyria has made progress. Archaeologists have proven that real g...InformationHaris carpetThe name of these carpets is associated with the village of Heris or Herez to the North East of Tabriz. Heriz rugs are Persian rugs from the area of Heris, East Azerbaijan in northwest Iran, northeast of Tabriz. Such rugs are produced in the village of the same name in the slopes of Mo...InformationKalibar bluebe......Informationkjh...InformationLoz...InformationMianeh apple...InformationNogha ( Loka )Tabriz is also famous for its delicious cookies, some of which are Tabriz specialities, including Ghorabiye, Eris, Nogha and many others. Persian nougat, known as Gaz, is a variety that has been produced in Isfahan city for many centuries. It contains the sugary extract of the root of ...InformationPottery qara K...Pottery qara Kahrizi Khameneh Worthless soil and water and flowing, clear eyed view of the fact that each observer guests And the wheels turning, "Pottery" are playing Gordon Wheels From the soil and turn the wheel, and ignorance Rnd eat bread almost to the bottom. Land here is the a...InformationQurabiya ( Gho...Qurabiya is an Iranian shortbread-type biscuit usually made with ground Almonds. Cookies appear to have their origins in 7th century Persia, shortly after the use of sugar became relatively common in the region. Qurabiya cookies are said to originate in the Iranian Azerbaijani city of...InformationSilversmithSilver work and its related arts in the city of Tabriz with the quality flow by many artists. Tapestry work, engraving, scrimshaw are active field related to silver industry silver in this province, Jewelry, functional and decorative glassware, mirrors, and candlesticks, picture frames ...InformationSoap MaraghehSoap Maragheh Traditional soap natural Soap Maragheh oldest and most traditional and original and valuable souvenir Maragheh city around the country. The soap is produced in the traditional and semi-industrial , industrial soap as well as detergent in the main spread of their homes i...InformationSumac...InformationSweets Latifeh...InformationVerni bafi ( W...Verni-bafi (literally meaning Verni-weaving) is a unique art of northwestern Iran. This artistic activity is quite popular among women of the region, especially Arasbaran. Some 85 percent of nomads of East Azarbaijan province are active in weaving Verni. However, this Iranian handicra...InformationWeaving Gelim ...Persian Kilims are flatweaves including Gelim, Sumakh, Jajim, & Sofreh types. A thousand years ago, every town in Iran had its own distinct weaving style. Society was also a factor: elegant silk carpets signalled wealth and distinction, while Sufis and Dervishes (who shunned earthly m...InformationWhite pottery ...All stages of making clay in this way are applied traditionally the and mainly conclude Application containers such as plate, bowl, cup, saucers, water jug, teapot, etc. coverage of This clay is done with two types of Pottery glazes , colorless Transparant and turquoise Transparant t...InformationWhite pottery ...Pottery with white soil with a history of domestic Pottery in Zenouz are closely linked. Because of its white Zenouz soil used for making crockery and dishes that come from it, had similarities to the Chinese. In this way, all the steps of making Pottery style is very traditional and ...InformationZenoz Apple...Information