

Shahloolak waterfall is located in five km of the south of Charmahin city. Shahloolak waterfall originates from one of the mountains of Zagros. This beautiful waterfall contains three kind of waterfalls, seasonal waterfalls ( Halaki), permanent waterfalls and Abchekan.
It is one of the permanent waterfalls of Isfahan but the discharge of water is different during the year. One of the reasons that made this waterfall unique, is that the waterfall is originated from the high wall of the mountain with a negative slope just like a spring ,while many other waterfalls of Iran are like a rushing stream that are flowing across the surface.
This waterfall is entirely frozen during the winter and makes magnificent Icicles with the height of 70 meters.
Holoki waterfall is another branch of this waterfall. Under Holoki waterfall you can see a rock hole like a small cave called Chehel Dokhtaran that it has a permanent spring with a beautiful tree.

Shahlowlak ( ShahLolak ) waterfall

Shahlowlak ( S...

Shahloolak waterfall is located in five km of the south of Charmahin city. Shahloolak waterfall originates from one of the mountains of Zagros. This beautiful waterfall contains three kind of waterfalls, seasonal waterfalls ( Halaki), permanent waterfalls and Abchekan. It is one of t...

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kalle Bridge

kalle Bridge

Pole Kalleh Bridge is a bridge over Zayenderood close to pol kale village in Isfahan. It belongs to Safavid Era and is made of brick, stone and mortar. This bridge connects Lanjan and Chahar Mahalo Bakhtiari (province) and in past it was a place for camels to rest when they travel from ...

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