Pole Kalleh Bridge is a bridge over Zayenderood close to pol kale village in Isfahan. It belongs to Safavid Era and is made of brick, stone and mortar. This bridge connects Lanjan and Chahar Mahalo Bakhtiari (province) and in past it was a place for camels to rest when they travel from Isfahan to Chahar Mahalo Bakhtiari ; it has a marvelous view.
Pol Kalleh is built over the stone foundations and there are some breakwaters protect these foundations against flood. These breakwaters in both sides of bridge are in a triangular form.
Pole Kalle can be seen in 35 km of Isfahan to Shahre Kord road among the trees around the river. Travelers of this way can see this beautiful bridge while they are passing Ghadir Bridge.
The bridge is recorded in national heritage list in 2003 with the number of 10238.