Wetland Kyaklayh ( Langerood ) One of the richest wetlands in
Gilan province in terms of species diversity is crucial in attracting tourists and increase revenue,is vital in attracting tourists and economic importance of the marginalized and preserve the natural environment and high throughput, This Wetland ecotourism potential in the foothill town of Langerood high capacity transit route tourism in the North is set, Wetland Kyaklayh Langerood in marginalized by the amount of farming and water supply throughout the season, as the pool is Kyaklayh, Due to the natural flow of water and natural Wetland conditions of the geological past, after the Caspian Sea water and wetland conditions are present, the term Wetland is used for the pool, About 300 ha of wetlands on one side to a transit-oriented city of
Ramsar Langerood -
Rasht and the other three sides by mountains and rice paddies and small distance vision is fine, Since Wetland can expand its physical space around can increase employment, earnings, economic, and environmental conservation and leisure areas of the city and its surroundings,
...see more its effect is, and implementation of appropriate and adequate planning, proper economic exploitation safe