
The main languages spoken in Ilam are Kurdish, Luri, Laki and Persian. Kurdish comprise the major density of population in the capital of Ilam province.
The population of Ilam City is predominantly Feyli Kurdish. The absolute majority of the residents in the southern part of the province (Abdanan, Darreshahr, Badreh, Dehloran and Mehran) are Kurds and speak Kurdish.
A distinct Dialect among local Kurds is the Laki sub-Dialect, which belongs to the Gurani Dialect.
There are also some tribes of Lurs (absolute minority) who live mostly in the southern and eastern parts of the province.
So, in the southern part of the province, the main ethnicities are Kurds, Laki and Lurs respectively. The north is mostly inhabited by Kurdish tribes who speak two dialects: Kalhuri and Feyli.
The majority are Feyli, such as those of Khezel, Arkawâzi, ...see more Beyrey (Ali Sherwan), Malek shahi and Shuhan.

Strait of Razianeh ( Raziyaneh valley )

Strait of Razi...


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Chavar Castle

Chavar Castle


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Chagha Sabz Park

Chagha Sabz Pa...


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Arghavan canyon

Arghavan canyo...

Every year in May to coincide with the spring and especially the valley of Elam Purple peak becomes beautiful colors in nature because Arghvanhay the valleys, pristine nature, has a certain beauty to the area. Each year, coinciding with the spring, especially April, Judas valley of El...

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Valley Castle Elam

Valley Castle ...


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Ilam's Lak nomadic people

Ilam's Lak nom...

The Lak is one of the southern tribes among the other Kurd tribes of Iran. The nomads with the Lorestan nationality divided in two parts: the Lak and the Lur. These two parts are a little different in some cases such as: accent, traditions, customs and some religious views. The Lak in...

barezard cave

barezard cave


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The main languages spoken in Ilam are Kurdish, Luri, Laki and Persian. Kurdish comprise the major density of population in the capital of Ilam province. The population of Ilam City is predominantly Feyli Kurdish. The absolute majority of the residents in the southern part of the provi...




Ilam Costume

Ilam Costume


Kelavaran ( Kolah Paran )

Kelavaran ( Ko...


Dancing Elamite

Dancing Elamit...


Elam mourning rituals

Elam mourning ...


Proverbs Elamite

Proverbs Elami...


Pare Siyavoshan

Pare Siyavosha...


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