Natural attractions Zanjan

Cave Gljyk

Cave Gljyk


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Ghezel Ozan River

Ghezel Ozan Ri...

This river finds its source in the mountains of Kurdestan, and meandering through the winter residing quarters (Qishlaq) of the Afshar terrain, finds its way to the suburbs of Khoda Bandeh. Thereby entering Zanjan province. Qezel Ozan forms a part of the two rivers that combine to fo...

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Natural History Museum Zanjan

Natural Histor...


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sorkhabad protected area ( SurkhAbad )

sorkhabad prot...


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Zanjan River ( Zanjan Rood - Zanjan Chay )

Zanjan River (...

This river originates from Chaman Soltanieh and the Aq Daq Mountains. After flowing through a part of the outskirts of Zanjan and the territory of Chaipareh, together with smaller rivers, joins the Qezel Ozan River near Rejeen. Throughout its course, leisure spots are found enhanced w...

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