Shah Qalandar (king Qalandar) mausoleum is located in the garden of Anajdan village, 50 km from the spring and the famous mirage of Anajdan, at the slight slopes of the mountain.
This monument is related to Shah Abdolislam known as Shah Qalandar, son of king Mostanserollah II, who came to the power after the death of his father and became the head of Ismailia sect.
It is likely related to the Patriarch period.
The building has an octagonal plan and the entrances are placed on its four sides. Three of the entrances are closed and the only open entrance is the south one which has an extension portico.
In the four internal sides of the mausoleum there are high outstanding arches which make the interior architecture break the monotony. The brick dome of the tomb is double-shelled and the outer shell is pyramidal.