Dvzal a village in the province (city of Julfa) and is located in the dark.
The village is located along the Aras River and the border with Armenia.
Formerly the village Dvzal Dizmary Arasbaran. This ruling Dizmary village and town Big binder Kharvan... More

. The village altitude above the sea level is 2250 meters. It has mild and pleasant climate in the summer and cold one in winter.
Varkaneh village's people are speaking in Azeri, Kurdish and Farsi.
Being used local and traditional materials and specially stones in constructio... More

nazar village is one of Razan's villages which is located in the West of the town. The village is the second most popular city of Razan's town. This village has a cold and dry climate.
The village's crops include wheat, barley, alfalfa, beans, Grapes and apricots. Th... More

pudeh village
Some sources cite a 700years old antiquity for this village and range of this village in safavid period,was hunting territory of local rulers.
This village has 13 historic monument which 7 of them has been recorded national relic. The climate is mild i... More

of a village which is one the villages of central part environ of Shoosh Daniel Township. This village has dry climate. khamat village has undivided residential context .Surrounding farm, Date and Pomegranate trees give a special glory to this village.
Ceilings of o... More

Village Chenareh
Village Chenareh Located in the central and southern part of the city of Sanandaj and Kermanshah and Sanandaj in a village 7 kilometers to name two.
The appellation Chenareh Village, this village has long been a place of sycamore trees
And so... More

Maraq village
Maraq village is located at a distance 40 km west of Kashan. This village placed in a mountainous region. There are different opinions about village oldness,which each of them indicating the long history of settlement in the village.
some imputed... More

tiful village of west Sosan environs which is located at the central part of Ize Township. This village consists of three parts: Cheloyir, Dorak, Sar afraz.
Village's climate is dry and mountainous. The minimum rainfall is 646 mm yearly in this region. It is at the height o... More

toric village
Qombovan historic village with athousand year history is located at a distance of 23 kilometers north of dehaghan city. The village is 1790 meters above sea level.
This village shape in past was a castle with gates,towers,and tall walls. Nowadays ,gene... More

nadan village
The beautiful and historic village of bob nadan is one of the summer village of jorfak rural district from Zarand city. Bob nadan village has a mountainous climate so that in winter,cold comes to about 15 to 20 celsius degrees below zero and in summer it ... More

hizaj village is located in Ghahavand-Hamadan city and is considered as one of the important villages of this township. Due to the archaeological studies on the historical hill of hizaj village, which was the residential place of hizaj village, antiquity of this villageMore

Afjah village about 35 kilometers East of Germi city of Ardabil province is located. This small village on the border with Azerbaijan is zero and very green in spring and summer cool and pleasing and beautiful.
refrence:http://Ardabil.irib.ir/... More

hbiz village 20 km from the border with Azerbaijan and Ardabil province is Razi. The village is located in the mountains bordering the entry and exit so that only one road riding.
refrence:http://Ardabil.irib.ir/... More

shgah Village has been identified as one of the most ancient sites of Karaj. it is a serene village with plenty of natural attractions.
The village is located in an eye-catching landscape and its hospitable residents welcome visitors warmly.
The village is situated o... More

tiful village named Gashani village. Gashani is a mountainous zone which has valleys, heights and gardens.
Due to this feature, it also has environmental quality and picturesque views. It is said that Gashani's antiquity is over 500 years. Presences of Emamzade Ebrahim and the ol... More

Muteh village
Muteh village located along Golpayegan asphalt road. The village has a semi-arid climate with relatively warm summers and cold winters. This is the best deer habitat in Iran.
one of the unique attractions of village is huge gold mine of muteh. The vi... More

stmal village is located between high mountains and Varzaqan forest frontage. The people of village makes a living by animal husbandry and farming.
Old mosque, Seyed Jebraeil and Pir-E-Sandogh shrines are other historical and religious monuments of Astmal village. You can s... More

f the village are the Srdrkhty.
Beekeeping and honey production is also another economic activity Chraghyl Village.
Another major activity of the village's livestock and dairy products are also processed.
Chraghyl Village in the mountain range and enjoy the natura... More

yvand village and this inn is showing the antiquity of this village. Imam zade Mohammad, Abassi inn, old dungeon, Bardegary inscriptions and the outstanding designs all around the village, are historic works of this village.... More

ekonj Village
Ekonj village is one of the big villages which is the most famous promenade of Kerman. This village is a mountainous area and has a good climate with two beautiful waterfalls.
It’s nearby mountain are suitable for climbing. Sheikh alibaba,famous devotees of sh... More