Map Ghajar Museum ( Amir Nezam House ) watching enlarged map 38.083146944394564|46.3060626705522517 +−
Tabriz's Tourist attractions Historical Baz...The Bazaar of Tabriz is one of the oldest bazaars of the Middle East and the largest covered bazar in the world.[citation needed] It was inscribed as World Heritage Site by UNESCO in July 2010. Tabriz has been a place of cultural exchange since antiquity. Its historic bazaar complex is...Information| MapEil Goli ( Sha...El-Gölü (Azerbaijani: Él-Gölü, and Persian: ایل گلی) is the name of a large park in Tabriz, Iran. Early history of the El-Gölü is not clear. However, it seems that it was used as a water resource for agricultural purposes. It was used as a summer palace during the Qajar dynasty (when ...Information| MapMaqbaratoshoar...Maqbaratoshoara (Persian: مقبرةالشعرا) is a mausoleum for poets, mystics and famous people located in the Surkhab district of Tabriz in Iran. It was built by Tahmaseb Dolatshahi in the mid-1970s while he was the Secretary of Arts and Cultures of East Azarbaijan. On the east side of Sa...Information| MapBlue Mosque ( ...The Blue Mosque ( Masjed-e Kabud; Azerbaijani: Göy məscid) is a famous historic mosque in Tabriz, Iran. The mosque and some other public buildings were constructed in 1465 upon the order of Jahan Shah, the ruler of Kara Koyunlu. The mosque was severely damaged in an earthquake in 1779,...Information| MapTabriz's Mashr...Constitution House of Tabriz, also known as Khaneh Mashrouteh or khaneh Abolmeleh, is a historical edifice located next to the Great Bazaar of Tabriz, on Motahari Ave in Tabriz, Iran. During the years which led to Constitutional Revolution and afterwards the house was used as a gather...Information| MapGolestan Park ...Golestan Garden or Fajr garden( in Turkish is called “Gulastan Baghi” ) was opened in 1308, is considered the oldest park in Tabriz. This beautiful garden with an area of 52000 square feet, in west of the city is located close to the center of Tabriz. Golestan Park is a historical par...Information| MapHome of Parvin......Information| MapProfessor's Ho...Master shahryar's Museum Master shahryar's Museum, one of the museums in the city of Tabriz in neighborhood Mqsvdyh, the old quarters of the city. The museum building, formerly the site of Mohammad's life, was a famous poet of Iran. In 1367, after the death of the master of the house,...Information| MapSee all tourist attractionsArg of Tabriz ...Tabriz castle is located in the center of Tabriz and it`s known as AliShah castle. This historical building dates back to 700 years ago and the style of architecture is Azari style. Tabrize castle is the highest historical wall in Iran and it is the symbol of Tabriz city. This his...Information| MapLighvan villag......Information| MapAzerbaijan Mus...Azerbaijan Museum is located in Tabriz city and near the livid mosque. It has three floors. In this building protects monuments which belongs to pre-Islamic and Islamic periods. This museum is known as the second historical museum in Iran after Tehran national museum. This museum desi...Information| MapSa'at Tower (T...Sa'at Tower also known as Tabriz Municipality Palace is the head office of the municipal government of Tabriz, the capital of East Azarbaijan Province, Iran. Sa'at means "clock", which refers to the four face clock in top of the tower. The Municipality was built in 1934 as the Tabriz ...Information| MapMuseum of the ... Museum Qur'an scribe, one of the most beautiful museums in the city of Tabriz The museum at the site of a mosque in the city of Tabriz Sahbalamr been created. The Museum of the Quran and writing fantastic collection of Qur'an manuscripts related to different periods of history and b...Information| MapSaheb-ol-Amr M......Information| MapGhajar Museum ......Information| MapNatural histor...Pottery Museum in Tabriz Tabriz Pottery museum in the house belonging to the Qajar period and in 1384 opened an exhibition of Pottery Zndhyadastad Qabchy and Mrs. Farida Ahmad and Abbas Tthyrnya allocated. These tiles are created with a deft and Chyrhdstanh soil, soil mineral white ...Information| MapIron age museu...Museum of the Iron Age Tabriz Site of Iron age museum of Tabriz, is an archaeological site in the north, northeast and northwest of the Blue Mosque in Tabriz is located. Including cemeteries and traces of Iron Age Pottery is. 1376 Excavation of an Iron Age cemetery near the Blue Mos...Information| MapEslami island...Information| MapTabriz mosque...Information| MapHaj safar ali ......Information| MapNikdel Hose...Information| MapMuseum Assessm... Museum Assessment Another measure of Tabriz Museum The museum building is the architectural monument in the city is expensive. The museum building is owned by the family, "Abdolreza Shagagie" the noble families of Tabriz, which was built in the early Qajar Museum of Tabriz in neighb...Information| MapDash atan InnDash atan Inn (Haji Sheikh) The inn is located in the northwestern city of Tabriz, Taleghani Street History, Qajar period arrives. Daralstnh map Tabriz in the year 1297 AH (1255 AD), this inn to inn Sheikh Jafar seen. This house was built by Sheikh China was called the merchants and ...Information| MapHeidarzadeh Ho...Mqsvdyh historic building located in the city of Tabriz Tabriz city hall is located on the south side. No historical record of the construction of this house is available But research shows that this house was built around 1870 by Haji Habib stain. This house at 1378 No. 2524 was ...Information| MapQari corpusQari corpus Kori Kori strips or bridge that Tabriz is the oldest bridge over the river Mehraneh (the tea) is the relationship between Tabriz and local market Sheshgelan and Shotorban (Two CHI) makes. Qari in Turkish means the old and very old Because construction costs provided by...Information| MapBehnam House...Information| MapTower YanqynTower Yanqyn Fire Tower Khaghani, Bahadori St. Tabriz is located in a brick building height of 23 meters, which was built in the late Qajar period. The tower is circular in plan with a spiral staircase to the upper strings attached. The main functions of the watch, which has eight ...Information| MapPottery Museum...Pottery Museum in Tabriz Tabriz Pottery museum in the house belonging to the Qajar period and in 1384 opened an exhibition of Pottery Zndhyadastad Qabchy and Mrs. Farida Ahmad and Abbas Tthyrnya allocated. These tiles are created with a deft and Chyrhdstanh soil, soil mineral white ...Information| MapGarden Shams l...Garden Shams largest park (garden) in Iran Shams Tabrizi Garden, the largest garden - Msaht10 hectare urban park space in the heart of the city and along the Garden Park Chayknar ladies made. The park is one of the most beautiful parks in the country The use of traditional architec...Information| Mapthe moharam Mu...the moharam Museum of Tabriz This historic house museum in order Sehhati neighborhood streets , the martyr Motahari Avenue is located. Depending on the architecture , dating back to the late period can be attributed . Great bands and celebrities mourn Synhzny different localities a...Information| MapTabriz Carpet ...Tabriz Carpet Market - Mzfryh One feature of the historic markets, including markets in Tabriz, easy access to the things that are needed. Because most market segments with specific names, such as market makers or market Samovar shoemakers are famous. Like Sarai A. the independ...Information| MapMusical Park T...Musical Park Tabriz The park was built in the center of a huge pool waters are the main source of water is flowing waterways and Hvzhay All around the pool at the bottom and brick pavilions with roofs constructed of copper sphere that has added to the beauty of the pool The agreement...Information| MapThe tomb of Sa...Dam Miyaneh aydvghmvsh Dam is a distance of approximately 20 km southwest of city and Ghmvsh Miyaneh East Azarbaijan province , northwestern Iran. The use of surface flow of river dam motivated aYdvghmvsh Ozan River is the main tributary and is designed to develop and improve irrigati...Information| MapOwn and Zeyd I......Information
Tabriz's Customs Tabriz köfteIngredients: 1lb ground beef - 3/4 cup split peas - 3/4 cup rice - 2 eggs - 2 medium onions - 2 tbsp zereshk - 6 prunes - 3 walnuts - 3 tbsp dried summer savory - 1 tbsp advieh - 1 tsp turmeric - oil, salt & pepper Prep work: Cook split peas until tender. Cook rice until just ten...InformationKhoresht-e Hav...Its a bit different than Havij Polo (Carrot Rice), and can be made to be sweet, sour, or a combination of the two. Ingredients (4 - 6 servings): Chicken or Beef — I used 2 chicken breasts - 1 small onion — finely chopped up - 5-6 carrots –grate half the carrots and chop the rest into ...InformationLoobia Polo Ta......InformationGeyganakh...InformationCostumeTraditional clothing in East Azerbaijan, more than any cultural issues has been under rapid changes. Today, only among local villagers and nomads this local clothing can be seen. Geographic condition, environment and climate, lifestyle, social condition, economic condition, technologi...Information Language and ...The most outstanding features from a cultural point of view are the Language, Azari/Azerice, and folklore of this region. According to Dehkhoda Dictionary, the Language of Azerbaijan is originally "a branch of the Iranian languages known as Azari" (see Ancient Azari Language).However ...InformationFolk musicThis is the music of provinces of Zanjan, East Azerbaijan, West Azerbaijan and Ardabil in Iran. Azerbaijan like other parts of Iran has a distinct music. The professional music of Azeri people are divided into two "distinct types", the music of "ashyg" and the "mugam". Reference : ...InformationYogurt Soup ( ...As a family recipe there are many variations. The version I made included all three herbs, coriander, dill and mint, plus leek. However it can be made with just dill and no leek, you can even leave out the meat for a vegetarian soup. If you’re not a fan of coriander you could try repl...InformationSee all customsOmaj soup...InformationDoymajDvymaj Traditional dishes are Rvzd Dvymaj Azerbayjan. The fast food for breakfast and evening meal is prepared with herbs and summer fruits (Grapes and watermelon) are a delicious and hearty taste that is prepared as follows. Ingredients: 4 Tabrizi Bread Water or buttermilk 1 cup ...InformationLentil soupSchiele Mrjymk C (Schiele lentils) "Shelah" so-called "rice they promise to be quite blown Vabrh! Called" yellow pot "was the same term. Schiele these are the foods from soup watery, but more rigid. Old Azeri dishes that usually you get a cold season. Brass material is Aslyh all of th...InformationStuffed Eggpla...Qarn Yarykh (Stuffed Eggplant Tabriz) Ingredients: Boat-shaped eggplant that is not too rotund 6 pcs Garlic: 10 cloves average Onions Ryzshdh: a number Mince: 250 g Chopping Tomatoes: 2 Chopped parsley 3 teaspoon Tomato paste, salt and oil to adequately Recipe First Badmjanhar...InformationGreen Beans Cu... Green Beans Cutlets, food Tabrizi Ingredients: A pound of green beans 2 medium carrots 2 small red onion or one medium Mince 100g 3 medium potatoes Barberry Half Pint 5 pcs eggs Salt and black pepper to the extent necessary The amount of oil required How to bake: * Beans to...InformationAsh Gooshvare...InformationVerjuice Potag......InformationTabriz's Green......InformationCabbage SoupKale soup Tabriz Ingredients: Two Peas in a cup A second cup of pinto beans Salt, pepper and spices, some Two-thirds cup of lentils 200 grams of chopped kale Fried Onions 2 teaspoon Hot garlic 1 teaspoon 3 carrots, shredded setting Celery leaves 50g Noodle soup 200g A second...InformationKhtayyKhtayy string like string Khshkar north. However, only in Ramadan, Tabriz and more shopping malls such as "Safi Tabriz Bazaar" will be produced and sold. Places that sell it, sell it just slips and strings, and they do not turn to traditional sweets and desserts. If the "wet sheet and...InformationPychakh mince ...Pychakh mince (minced knife!) This meal of traditional dishes and delicious recipe of East Azarbaijan is as follows: Ingredients: Sheep meat 300g 2 medium onions 4 eggs Half cup Almonds Spicy stewed Saffron, salt and pepper Directions: We should therefore like minced meat ours...InformationRamadan bread ...Ramadan bread Tabriz Bread Tabriz Ramadan fasting in Ramadan Iftar table is grace. This delicious bread is prepared by the following method. Ingredients: Flour: 600 g Sugar: 140 g Oil: 100 g Butter: 40 g Immediate Khmyrmay: 10 g Salt: 10 g Curative: 10 g Eggs: 3 pcs Directio...InformationHalva AvmajHalva Avmaj Avmaj halva or local Language ( Azeri ) Avmaj Halvasy local Hlvahay component is provided throughout the region , and Azerbaijan 's funeral - Votive for the reception of guests is prepared and cooked . Avmaj provided little hard and takes a lot of patience , but the result...Information
Tabriz's Goods And Crops CarpetEast Azerbaijan Province and specially Tabriz has an excellent position in the handicraft industry of Iran, having a large share in the exports of the province. Tabriz carpets are widely known around the world and in international markets for their vibrant designs and colors. Without ...InformationCarpetA Tabriz rug/Carpet is a type in the general category of Iranian carpets from the city of Tabriz, the capital city of East Azarbaijan Province in north west of Iran. It is one of the oldest rug weaving centers and makes a huge diversity of types of carpets. The range starts at Bazaar ...InformationWeaving Gelim ...Persian Kilims are flatweaves including Gelim, Sumakh, Jajim, & Sofreh types. A thousand years ago, every town in Iran had its own distinct weaving style. Society was also a factor: elegant silk carpets signalled wealth and distinction, while Sufis and Dervishes (who shunned earthly m...InformationSilversmithSilver work and its related arts in the city of Tabriz with the quality flow by many artists. Tapestry work, engraving, scrimshaw are active field related to silver industry silver in this province, Jewelry, functional and decorative glassware, mirrors, and candlesticks, picture frames ...InformationNogha ( Loka )Tabriz is also famous for its delicious cookies, some of which are Tabriz specialities, including Ghorabiye, Eris, Nogha and many others. Persian nougat, known as Gaz, is a variety that has been produced in Isfahan city for many centuries. It contains the sugary extract of the root of ...InformationQurabiya ( Gho...Qurabiya is an Iranian shortbread-type biscuit usually made with ground Almonds. Cookies appear to have their origins in 7th century Persia, shortly after the use of sugar became relatively common in the region. Qurabiya cookies are said to originate in the Iranian Azerbaijani city of...InformationEris ( Ris )Tabriz is notable for its delicious cookies in Iran, some of which are Ghorabiye, Eris and Nogha: That's a special kind of Gaz made mainly in the Azeri regions of Iran....InformationSweets Latifeh...InformationSee all productskjh...InformationLoz...InformationGlass in Tabri...Glass in Tabriz The ceramic coatings were developed in ancient times in Mesopotamia, other countries are taking the glass and glazing compounds it is not surprising that one of the glass industry in Babylon , Sumer and Assyria has made progress. Archaeologists have proven that real g...Information