Pottery Museum in Tabriz
Tabriz Pottery museum in the house belonging to the Qajar period and in 1384 opened an exhibition of Pottery Zndhyadastad Qabchy and Mrs.
Farida Ahmad and Abbas Tthyrnya allocated.
These tiles are created with a deft and Chyrhdstanh soil, soil mineral white (kaolin compounds) in the city of Marand Zennor is provided.
In the mountainside town of Zennor hot Ak, with clay Pottery center is white.
Qabchy family for over seventy years ago and moved to the city and were engaged in Pottery shop to paint a door in the neighborhood.
The Museum of Pottery courses and workshops will be held, as well as temporary exhibitions artists.
This position is based at Grove Street station in St. Shams Tabrizi is Sraflar.